Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Nine West Shoe 2011

OMG!! SHOES!! crazy about them...soo much!! this is soo awesome.I wish i have one of these shoes.Well,actually i have one... :) hehehhe...

I love this shoe,cause the colour is soft and very fun for Summer!! Love 
I saw this one that day...Soo colourful..and the bags are soo UNIQUE!! I wish those were MINE!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My fave blog :) (part 2)

Hey Gals and Guys...I'm back!! okay let's continue the second part....well next is Saliza Nadya.. (^-^)

OMG!! that's Jin hitz.fm!! wanna see more..?? Visit her blog :

Aww...isn't she cute..   (^-^)

Well this girll likes to blogwalking...haha..i think soo.. :P sometimes she visits my blog..and i visit her blog.. :)
why not you visit her blog.. :) http://missmegaheart.blogspot.com/ 
That's all for today then...See ya..chariot!!

My fave blog :) (Part 1)

I am BORED!! well these are the blog I really like to visit ALMOST EVERYDAY!! haha..at least I try my best!! :P ... Well come on and check it out!!
Well the first blog is Harith Syafiy..

 well...I know what's in your mind..you're saying that he's CUTE rite..yupp he is.. :)

Okay,now next is my fave RANDOM blog...it's kinda funny..to read...and AWESOME!!

I really like this pix...soo nice...
Wanna see more Random Stuff?? She's Preettayy!
Okay now the next one,She cool,Fun,Likes to slap people,and pretty too :)
It's Shasha!! She's AWESOME!!
Wanna Check her out??
And my last one,They are BFF since Primary School..and they are sweet..
It's those BFF.....and Shasha is also in the group.. :D
Wanna know what's their story..Check them out :http://chocolatecreamvanilla.blogspot.com/
That's all for today....Part 2 (coming soon)

P.S...Shasha is obses wif PUPLE!!